Larry Waller DLW Consulting, Inc. (516) 569-4559 Compuserve - 76307,1627 Mail Watcher 3.2 is shareware. Upgrades from existing registered versions are free!!! Our pricing structure is as follows: Copies Price per Copy ------ -------------- First 1-10 $10.00 Next 1-100 9.00 Next 1-400 6.00 Site License fee's are determined on a per site basis. ****************************************************************************** Installation: Copy MAILWTCH.EXE to any directory (I advise that you use your MSMAIL directory) Copy MAPI.VBX, CMDIALOG.VBX, VBCTL3D.VBX and TBTN.VBX to your SYSTEM directory You are also required to have VBRUN300.DLL in your system directory. ****************************************************************************** History: Version 3.2 beta 1 ------------------ ADDED NEW FEATURES: Users can compose messages without using Microsoft Mail. MailWatcher can be set to stay on top of other applications. MailWatcher can be set to pop-up when messages are recieved. A Wave file can be played on message reciept. Users can be reminded every five minutes if mail is waiting. MailWatcher can remember the username and password. MailWatcher has a new Toolbar and 3D look. MailWatcher can remain active while Microsoft Mail is active. Tabbed dialog boxes for all Options. *MailWatcher can only be quit by exiting Windows if you use the /F option *ToolBar help (Similar to Microsofts ToolTips) (* Not in this beta, but will be in final release) Version 3.0 ------------- ADDED NEW FEATURES: MailWatcher is now a Visual Basic 3.0 application. Reads Username and Password from MSMAIL.INI Downloads mail on startup Added more information to preview screen Asks the user to locate MSMAIL.EXE if MailWatcher can not find it. MailWatcher comes on top of other applications when new mail is received. Command Line Switches: /F Forces user to login /Dnn Creates a delay when program loads This feature is important because the login screen can get hidden behind other windows during startup. You must use two numbers. Example: MAILWTCH /D05 This provides a 5 second delay before the login screen is displayed. BUG FIXES: Eliminates FILE NOT FOUND error when trying to launch MSMAIL Sometimes when MSMAIL was started, the MailWatcher application would pop up on top of all other applications and force MSMail to the back window position. Version 2.0 ----------- This is the first public release of this product. It was developed out of a need to keep a notify program running so users don't accidentally close mail and not get notified of new mail until the following morning. Version 1.0 ----------- Never released but used during training sessions for people moving from cc:Mail to Microsoft Mail **************************************************** If you have any questions please send me mail to me on compuserve 76307,1627. I will try to respond to any questions or suggestions. Thank You, Larry Waller